Friday 26 August 2011

L.O.V.E and whatsoever..

Lovey-dovey. Aku paling pandai bab ni. Cos' love is the best thing I've ever had. Love someone and be loved is the happiness that you can't imagine. When someone says "I think I'm in love with you", it is like the time of our lives. Yeah, I know, benda ni langsung tak matured. But who cares?

 Now it feels like were in heaven,
wish we could stay like this forever.

Tapi kenapa lepas tu nak break up? Why do they betrayed each other? Kenapa bagi harapan palsu walaupun tahu relationship tu takkan ke mana?  I just want to know, WHERE IS THE LOVE?!

"I dont hate you. 
I only hate myself for loving you."
Nothing is made to last forever.
  "Sha, I tak cintakan you. Hubungan ni bukan apa yang I  nak. I tak sanggup nak tipu you lagi."
  "Apa you cakap ni? Apa salah I?Kenapa you buat I macam ni?! "
  "Sha, I minta maaf. You terlalu baik untuk I. You patut tahu yang hal yang sebenar."
  " Jerk! I hate you. I HATE YOU!! "

Aku tahu umur aku belum cukup matang untuk memahami benda-benda ni.
As an ordinary human, aku tak tahu nasib aku pada masa akan datang. Aku tak cakap yang aku tak percayakan cinta, tapi cinta itu sendiri sesuatu yang datang dan pergi dengan sendirinya. We love, then we hate. We kiss, then we spit on each other. We make up, then we break up. Love is like the pain my a**. But it makes me craving for more.

p.s: Hopefully, no offense taken.  
      Currently listening to Heaven